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IEEE Pune Section

The Fastest Growing Section in IEEE Region 10

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IEEE Pune Section

Pune, one of the largest urban agglomerations of India, is located in western Indian State of Maharashtra. The city is one of the biggest industrial towns in India and an important educational, industrial, and cultural center. Pune hosts several universities and well-known institutions, and research organizations. The city also houses large number of industries in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), automobile, electrical, electronics, forging, foundries and other engineering Industries. More than one hundred thousand skilled engineering professionals are working in and around the city. The strength of students studying in various disciplines in the city exceeds two hundred thousand.


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0Student Branch

Message from the Chair


Let me congratulate IEEE Community of Pune Section in contributing to the journey with conducting around 450 activities throughout 2023. As announced, we started “Being a Women-Dialogue Series” and “Pune Section’s Student Congress” with overwhelming response and participation. We contributed to TRY Engineering efforts of IEEE, by creating Engineering courses in Marathi language.

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Young Professionals

IEEE Pune Section Young Professionals is a community of passionate, imaginative and energetic members across Pune.

Women in Engineering

The mission and vision of IEEE Pune Section WIE is to enable, empower and encourage women in IEEE so as to create a high-spirited community of women and men to transform and innovate the world of tomorrow.

Student Activity Committee

IEEE Pune Section SAC is a community of thoughtful, innovative and dynamic individuals across Pune.

Industry Relations

IEEE Pune Section Industry Relations Committee highly aims at creating a collaborative environment between Industry and Academia to achieve greater outcomes for the professional and student members.

Membership Development Activities

To promote both professional and Student Membership growth in IEEE Pune Section and encouraging all the members to seek the highest membership grade for which they qualify. To monitor membership status and to conceive, develop and implement membership growth programs in the Section.

Educational Activities

IEEE Pune Section Educational Activities Committee largely focuses on implementing educational programs that serve the educational pursuits of not only IEEE members but also the school students who need proper guidance.




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