Dr Surekha Deshmukh was invited at Geneva- Headquarters of Europe’s United Nations
Dr Surekha Deshmukh (IEEE Pune Section Chair 2023-24) was invited at Geneva- Headquarters of Europe’s United Nations and the Red Cross to contribute to IEEE- International Telecommunication Union Symposium at Geneva during 12th-13th December.
She presented views on reforms in energy sector, industrial decarbonization, technology landscape, evolving skillsets, changing job-profiles as well as digital workforce.
The elite gathering of UN Agencies, policymakers, industry leaders, researchers, and standards development organizations collaborated to strengthen our collective actions towards a resilient climate.
There were interactive sessions with leaders from UNFCCC , UNIDO , ISO , IEC , UNESCO , World Trade Organization, WMO, WHO, FAO, WIPO, ILO, IOE, ITU, IEEE, Capgemini, Nestle, GE, Huawei
Dr Surekha played a duel role as IEEE member representative of IEEE Pune Section and Domain Consultant TCS.