Dr Surekha Deshmukh

Chair – 2024

Domain Consultant

Tata Consultancy Services

“Expert in Power Market, Smart Grid, Renewable Sector, Uncertainly Management and Electricity Policy Analyst”

Let me congratulate IEEE Community of Pune Section in contributing to the journey with conducting around 450 activities throughout 2023. As announced, we started “Being a Women-Dialogue Series” and “Pune Section’s Student Congress” with overwhelming response and participation. We contributed to TRY Engineering efforts of IEEE, by creating Engineering courses in Marathi language.

With more energy and enthusiasm, I welcome you all to continue our volunteering journey in 2024.

IEEE being a technical community, we take cognizance of consensus of COP28, towards “Tripling of Renewables”. “Doubling of Energy Efficiency”, “Thoughtful decline of Fossil fuels”, unlocking opportunities of Energy Transition and Decarbonization.

We are aligned with the vision of “Bharat”, in ensuring skill and capacity development of youth, providing platform for creating awareness and contributing on Cybersecurity related challenges across industry sectors. I am also super happy to announce the establishment of IEEE Pune Blockchain group

I am happy to announce Special Interest Group (SiG) on Energy and Environmental Engineering and Smart Industry.

The objective of Energy and Environmental Engineering SiG is to create awareness on energy efficiency, energy conversation, energy optimization and developing state of art laboratories demonstrating projects using deep tech tools such as IOTs, Sensors and advanced measurement techniques, robotics, data analytics and AI. The focus is to create awareness on climate change, sustainability, enabling a momentum across colleges towards becoming a carbon -neutral campus as our sensible step towards reducing environmental impact.

Through Special interest Group on Smart Industry IEEE Pune Section would focus on partnering with IoT Cluster initiative of MCCIA (Mahratta Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture). IEEE Pune Section team aims to contribute significantly towards providing technical support, conducting trainings and hands-on workshops for engineers from MSME sectors, levering State of art IoT labs established at Engineering colleges, developing IoT based projects based on problem statements of MSMEs.

With a rigor on quality programs building stronger ecosystem of industry, academia, start-ups, NGOs, City-authority, we aim to develop our students and young professional towards realizing the value of technical solutions.

I appeal to all members of Pune Section to join this volunteering movement. I look forward to having another super exciting year filled with rocking events.

Best wishes !!
Dr Surekha Deshmukh
Chair- IEEE Pune Section

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